
I'm now just about done with the farming mechanic, however I'm not going to update the game just yet. I'm going to squeeze in some bugfixes, refactorings and overall balance tweaks before the 0.2.0 update.


The farmer's house can now be entered and inside you will find the farmer NPC. He gives you a quest which opens farming when completed.

The farmer's house. I changed the way the walls look in indoor scenes, I think it looks nicer like this

There is now a path next to the player's house that leads to the farming area. The path can be entered from the start of the game, but you need to talk to the farmer before you can actually use the farming patches.

The farming area with some plants growing on the patches

The farming mechanic is very simple. You find seeds in the world, maybe in the future also as quest rewards, and you plant the m on the soil. It takes some time, but eventually the plant will mature and you can pick it. The matured plant gives you an ingredient and a random number of seeds which you can then plant again.

The options menu for a farming patch.
I was able to reuse the options menu component from character dialogue way more painlessly than I initially thought, which made implementing this much faster than I expected.

That's pretty much it for the farming. For now you can find the seeds by exploring the forest scene.  The farmable ingredients are only available through farming, you can't find them elsewhere in the game. For now there is four farmable plants, but I plan to implement new farmables for each area that I add to the game, and some as unique quest rewards.

I have quite a long list of bugs to fix and refinements, so next update will still have to wait a bit. List includes at least

  • Balancing for item prices so the game is actually playable
  • Major changes to the first tier of devices. Balance their effects and make them affordable and usable.
  • Redo potion brew ui so that it's nicer to use
  • Redo some of the first sprites I ever made
  • QoL changes such as opening inv on item picking, hotkeys for dialogue options
  • Improve the tutorials in the start of the game

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